Saturday, 11 January 2014

Finally a cowl for me!

First project of 2014 in the bag!

I've made a fair few cowls in my knitting life, but the ones I've really liked have been made as gifts. This is probably because I tend to knit exciting, challenging designs for myself, but at the end of the day all I want in a cowl is some moss stitch squishiness.

So now I have a cowl in moss stitch. And oh yes, it's squishy!

The yarn is Rowan Purelife Boucle, a gift from my lovely Grandma who takes me to run wild in the John Lewis sale every Christmas break. I found this a really interesting yarn- perhaps mistakenly I've always associated boucle with the novelty end of the fibre spectrum, but this is quality stuff! It's soft but pleasingly rustic in texture, a lovely undyed colour, and smells like sheep. Sheep smell good! The different colours come from different sheep breeds, with my light brown being Masham.

I'm not sure if the finished cowl is super cute or super ugly, but I do know that I love it! I'm going to be rare and cosy for the rest of the never-ending British winter.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Happy New Year: Crafts in Review

Happy New Year everyone! I hope any nippy heads are recovered and you're all looking forward to the year ahead. Like many (or all) crafty bloggers I've been thinking about my year of crafting, and planning the next one!

13 in 2013

It's safe to say that I met this goal with flying colours- 20 woolly projects completed in a year! These consisted of:

  • Three pairs of socks
  • Two cowls
  • Three jumpers (one baby, two grown-up)
  • One pair of gloves
  • Four hats
  • One hedgehog
  • One crocheted collar
  • And five Christmas Stockings. Fa la la la la la la la!

My favourite project of the year is definitely my Blank Canvas. It fits perfectly, is super soft, and have become a major wardrobe staple.

I'm also very happy with the hats I made this year, all designed by the wonderful Alexandra Tinsley.

Three Bespeckled and one Pétoncle


Since learning to sew in the spring I've completed three skirts. Two of these I rarely wear, due to the rookie error of using cheap quilting cotton. The third is a red Burda 8155 and I absolutely love it!

As you might guess from the sunshine and lack of jumper and tights, I finished that skirt back in the summer. Since then I just haven't been able to get back into the sewing groove, but am hoping to do so in 2014!

Looking Forward: Goals for the New Year

I'm generally not a fan of new year's resolutions, but I enjoy focusing myself with crafty goals.
  • Queue-bust: I intend to work through those patterns that I've had queued on Ravelry for quite some time. I've already started on this goal by beginning the beautiful Pomegranate sweater.
  • Design harder: I've spent a lot of the last year working on some knitting designs of my own. I'm hoping to have a couple of these written up and released by the end of the year.
  • Sew more: I don't want to set too ambitious a sewing aim, since I often find it difficult to make time to sew. I have the materials for four skirts at the moment. If I make these by the end of the year I'll count anything else as a bonus!

What  are your plans for the coming year? (Crafty or otherwise!)