Thursday, 15 May 2014

FO: Colour Affection

In April I finished one of my longest running projects- Veera Välimäki's Color Affection, which I started while travelling to Ukraine back in July 2012. It's made from Artesano 100% Alpaca 4Ply, which despite being billed as a 4-ply knitted up to the gauge of the laceweight version, contributing to the lengthy project time.

Don't mind me neighbours, just hanging a shawl from a tree.

I'm not going to lie, I basically hated knitting this project. The rows seemed impossibly long by the time I had got about halfway through the two colour section. I don't know how people on Ravelry managed to finish it in a few weeks, but maybe not always having 4 projects on the go at once would have helped.

When I finally cast off, I was so disappointed by the end result- the shawl was long but thin, and seriously scrunched up along the selvedge. After all the time the project had taken I was gutted!

Pardon my selfie.
When will I learn to have faith in the  magic of blocking? After being pinned out the shawl is much longer, and the selvedge has went from a scrunched mess to a gentle curve. So after the trial of knitting it I'm really pleased with the outcome.

Actually wearing it is a bit of a problem though! I'm not one of those cool people who can pull off a shawl, so only feel comfortable wearing it scrunched around my neck like a scarf. This does look good, but it doesn't show off the cool structure and I can't help but think that it would have been quicker to just knit a scarf in the first place!

A note on the yarn. The artesano was fairly average to knit with. A bit rough to knit with, shed a moderate amount, and is slightly scratchy to wear around the neck. The colours are great though. Overall not a bad yarn, but I won't be in a rush to use it again. I think maybe I'm just not a big fan of alpaca. (Gasp! Controversial knitter opinion!)

So, overall colour affection was a b*tch to knit but a lovely finished object. In terms of time scale and size it's quite a big achievement for me. Now I just need to start wearing it...

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